Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Riding the High

I'm riding the CrossFit high today. Every Wednesday during the competition we have been given pre-game workouts. Not for time, lots of different movements and very few reps. It has been good for me, as I have been using the time to try heavier kettle bells (55lbs) or thinner bands, etc. Form, form, form. And lots of practice.

Today, for the first time I hit 1 toes to bar. I followed that up with 33 double unders- in a row!! I also managed strict pull ups on the red band-something I have never done. I am insanely psyched.

For as excited as I am (I feel like telling EVERYONE) I also know that tomorrow the pendulum can swing. The high I feel can be equally as low because I get hit with a goat workout or just have an off day. However, that's what keeps me going back so I'm going to ride this one out.

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