Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I love this shit!

Just when you think things are settling down and you can start to focus on strength and form more you do something a little crazy- like stringing together double unders.  It may be a fluke. A one shot deal. BUT- the problem is- now you have done them. There is no turning back to whatever old crutch you may have used, like doing a double, then a single, then a double and so on. Nope. Those days of at least knowing you can do the double unders with your crutch are done. Thrusting you back in to the times when you dread going to the gym because of the frustration that will inevitably ensue when you have a difficult day stringing together even 2 double unders and your times fall completely apart because you are jumping around the gym floor like a fool trying to get just one. Walking out pissed off and anxious to rest and get back at it in another day or two so you can show those double unders who is boss.

Bring it. I love this shit.

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