Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Throwing someone else to the dogs

I did it! I successfully brainwashed my first victim and it is my HUSBAND! Ha!! Take that! On Saturday, James went to his initial session of CrossFit training at CrossFit Rumble/Silvaback Athletics. Yup! I am SO psyched to watch this happen that I can barely stand the fact he hasn't gone more than just once. I want him to be able to do multiple sessions this week just to see how he feels.

It all started a few weeks back when James was commenting on how he needed to do something. The Y just wasn't cutting it for him and he needed a set time to go and get it done and someone to tell him what to do. Sounded vaguely familiar, but I didn't say anything. I just empathized and went about my merry way (limping, aching, taking Advil). I do believe at one point I told him to "Shit or get off the pot," but that's the way it goes chez Boyle. The sympathy is AMAZING!

He has always been supportive of my going to the gym. He never really asks me about it, but knows how it makes me feel when I can't go. He always makes sure that he can do whatever possible to help me get there. I know it is fairly useless to say that I am sore because that would just invite the pokes, prods and taps that immediately result in pain. I don't like to talk too much about it either- I get a lot of snarky comments when I talk about it. So, there I sit and suddenly James mentions he wants to go to the gym.

We had sent the kids off to school and James had a little time before he went in to the office. Once again, he was complaining about how he just couldn't get it together. He needed to have something organized, so he could act as if it was an appointment. That would give him the motivation to get out of the house. He was sick of the same old going to the Y and riding the simulated bike tour thing-a-ma-jig. I finally told him exactly how I felt- that this was my same problem and that Seth could give him a work out that you didn't have to spend 2 hours doing in order to feel like you accomplished something. Twenty minutes at CrossFit was ten minutes too long at the gym in my opinion! But that's part of the draw-I don't have 45 minutes to spend on the elliptical trainer and then go do the weights. I have about an hour free where I can do something for myself and at CrossFit I can "Git 'er done."

So, James wants to try the CrossFit thing out. I thought he was joking, but as I headed upstairs to shower he asked me if I would mind if he went to the same gym as me. CrossFit was "my thing" and he didn't want to intrude. Uh? What? MY thing? At the moment, CrossFit owns me. It kicks my butt every time and I still go back for more. Very rarely do I kick CrossFit's butt. Let me tell you- when I do, you will be the first to know!

He went on to say that he would go to the other gym in town and he could do it there. That's when I gasped and looked at him as though he was a traitor. Someone that had no right even attempting to do this type of workout. My jaw hit the floor as he uttered the words. You see, although Seth has a way of choosing workouts that will render you unable to walk and inflict pain on you in a way you never thought imaginable, the idea that there is any other place to go is simply unthinkable. It's like Stockholm Syndrome. My answer-"If you go and you don't support Seth I would be mortified. Absolutely unthinkable."

By the time I got out of the shower, James reported to me that he would be able to go on Monday nights and Thursday mornings and he told me how much it would cost for him to do it. I was impressed. He took the initiative to find the web site on his own and look up all of this information and really think it through. (I'll make it easy for you readers: www.silvabackathletics.com)That's when I realized he was serious.

Flash forward to this past Friday night. A beautiful day here on Cape Cod and no school. James gets done early, our new porch furniture arrived, lots of friends around and hence, much beer was to be drunk. By about 10:30 pm James realizes he has to be at the gym at 8:30 am. Oops- a little late to stop drinking and just relax. In his infinite wisdom and beer encouraged strength on Friday evening he throws down the gauntlet. "I'm stronger than you think I am." "I got this." etc, etc. You can likely imagine my response based on the level of sympathy in our home. "Fine. I don't want to hear you say I am sore or I hurt- not once! You'll see...but don't complain."

Guess who felt like junk on Saturday morning at about 9:30 am after his first work out? I am guessing he REALLY wanted to tell me how crappy he felt also. I can't WAIT until he goes back! Just watching  him stand up, all stiff and sore biting his lip because he spoke too soon is FUN. I'll make him suffer for a week or two-then I'll roll with it.

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