Thursday, May 16, 2013


Excuse me while I pat my back for a quick second...
I have been on this "CrossFit thing" for over a year now and I'm completely hooked. It has done wonders for me on so many different levels. Mentally, physically, socially and emotionally. From learning how to dig deep, face fears, find friends and eat right-it's been the whole package for me.
Lately, I've been struggling a little. I'm still at a weight where I am embarrassed to speak it. A number. One that is not typically socially acceptable for a woman these days. One that, based on my height, would probably qualify me as borderline obese if not obese. The number hasn't moved since November/December (give or take a pound for bloat, vacations, etc). This has been bringing me down.
After hearing the words of wisdom from the ladies at the gym and really trying hard to believe and listen to those words, I decided to do a photo comparison. I'm not going to call it a before and after. I'm not done yet. I will call it my progress shot.
The photo on the left was taken on Mothers Day 2012 and has been my inspiration shot as I take this journey. At that moment in time, I was 6 months in to CrossFit. Why choose this point in time? I always thought I would choose day 1, but this moment is more important to me  for one reason. It was the point in time that I committed to fully changing my diet. I entered in to my first (and only) 30 day Paleo challenge on June 1 and began the true turn around in my weight loss and physical abilities. Since then, the results are in the photos and my PRs.
It wasn't just CrossFit that changed me physically. I continue to eat a paleo diet, primarily for the way I feel. The weight loss has stopped...I haven't gained, but I haven't lost in months. I bet if I measured with a measuring tape I would be able to see some changes. The number still bothers me, but when I need to see some changes THIS is what I will look at. I think I can handle it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kasey, you look fantastic. A number is just a are eating well, exercising, and (I'm sure) feel fantastic. You are a role model for your kids, and for others who want to make a change in their lives and their health. I think you're awesome - and you look great, too!!! (Sarah)